ACT Therapy aims at developing psychological flexibility so you can live a values-based vital life.
Sessions are particularly helpful if you happen to encounter some obstacles or difficulties on your way to live a satisfying and fulfilling life.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is part of the new forms of psychotherapy, called the third wave of behavioural therapies that are based on the scientific evidence. This apporach is characterized by a particularly kind and compassionate stance towards human suffering that we all experience.
ACT is full of experiential exercises that will help you get a sense of as well as develop the key psychological skills that will enhance your ability to cope with mental and emotional suffering. ACT therapy helps turning chaos into order, alleviate emotional pain and put the fight against unwanted internal experiences to an end.

You choose which direction you want to move towards
Kind support on your path to yourself
Effects in line with your values

What stands out about ACT Therapy?
The ACT model helps to cultivate the ability of an open and kind-hearted contact with the present moment and the ability to experience various, sometimes unpleasant or difficult, thoughts and emotions that may appear from time to time.
The very heart of this approach is to develop the practical psychological skills to help you live a life based on your values.
It promotes an attitude of willingness to be open to various internal experiences in order to engage in actions that are meaningful and consistent with deeply held personal values.
Using ACT is helpful in case of general difficulties in functioning, experiences of anxiety or depressive symptoms.
Together we will create space for what is important to you.
We will talk about what you are currently facing and where would you like to go.
Exemplary areas we can focus on
- Taking an open look at your current situation and existing opportunities
- Creating a space to talk about the difficulties and challenges that you are experiencing
- Relieving emotional pain, tension, anxiety, stress or feelings of helplessness
- Discovering meaning in whatever experiences you are having
- Bringing order into chaos of the inner world
- Exploring existing opportunities and setting the new direction
- Discovering your values and what is important to you in life

- Developing essential skills of how to cope with difficult thoughts and emotions
- Fostering an attitude of kindness, compassion, acceptance and commitment
- Developing the ability to be in contact with your present moment experiences
- Understanding your difficulties in relationships with others
- Improving your functioning in social relationships
- Learning valuable social skills
- Developing psychological flexibility
ACT Therapy I Form of Services
There are two ways to arrange the session:
• online (via Zoom or Jitsi)
• stationary (Cracow, Starowiślna 80)
Research confirms that remote sessions are as valuable as face-to-face meetings.
Dokumenty do pobrania:
• Aktualny Cennik Usług
• Zasady Współpracy (Regulamin Terapia ACT)
• Współpraca Online (Wskazówki)
To familiarise yourself with the basic terms of service click here
To find some tips on how to prepare for online sessions click here
© Act Odwagi 🙏