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Coaching is a solution-focused method of supporting personal development.

Coaching approach based on acceptance and commitment is characterized by building on personal strengths and resources in order to realize one’s potential and enable living in accordance with one’s values.
This style of work is very well suited for making the desired changes in the personal area, as well as for better understanding and improving one’s functioning in relations with others

Coaching sessions are fully tailored to your needs.

Coaching Boat

During our meetings we will take a closer look at your current situation. With full openness we will talk about what change means to you and how you could start gradually implementing it into your life. We will explore what is that you need the most to be the kind of person you want to be. Together we will think about how you can achieve goals that matter to you.

By using a variety of mindfulness exercises, experiential techniques, developmental assignments or educational materials, you will develop your psychological flexibility, being the ability to engage in behaviour that is important to you and consistent with your values, even in the presence of unwanted thoughts or feelings.


Czym wyróżnia się Coaching ACT?

W trakcie spotkań coachingowych przyjrzymy się z pełną otwartością Twojej obecnej sytuacji.

Porozmawiamy o tym, co ważnego dla Ciebie oznacza zmiana oraz w jaki sposób możesz stopniowo zacząć wprowadzać ją w życie.

Poszukamy tego, czego obecnie najbardziej potrzebujesz, żeby być taką osobą, jaką chcesz.

Wspólnie zastanowimy się nad tym, jak możesz osiągać szczególnie ważne dla Ciebie cele.

Korzystając ze sprawdzonych ćwiczeń oraz pomocnych technik będziemy rozwijać różne przydatne umiejętności psychologiczne.

Będziemy także wspierać Twoją elastyczność psychologiczną, czyli zdolność do angażowania się w ważne dla Ciebie zachowania, zgodne z Twoimi wartościami, nawet podczas obecności niechcianych i nieprzyjemnych myśli lub uczuć.



You choose which direction you want to move towards


Kind support on your path to yourself


Effects in line with your values


• Deepening your understanding of the current situation

• Coming into contact with your emotions

• Creating space for a change

• Identifying chances and growth opportunities

• Exploring your strengths and resources

• Developing your self-awareness

• Transforming unhelpful beliefs

• Learning how to cope with difficulties

• Developing acceptance and self-compassion

• Increase your inner self-confidence

• Developing assertiveness skills

• Better understanding of yourself in relations

• Identifying your personal values

• Setting goals that matter

• Developing a tailored practical action plan

• Effective implementation of the valued change

• Inner transformation

There are two ways to arrange the session:

• online (via Zoom)

• stationary (Cracow, Starowiślna 80)


You can check the available slots and current pricing here or in the calendar tab.

Research confirms that remote sessions are as valuable as face-to-face meetings.

To familiarise yourself with the basic terms of service click here

To find some tips on how to prepare for online sessions click here

© Act Odwagi 🙏